*Born in Concord,california.
*Tom Hanks rose to stardom with his heart touching performances in ForrestGump, Saving Private Ryan,
Cast away, The appollo 13, The Terminal.
*He received tremendous applause for his role in ForrestGump.
He bagged 2 oscars for his role in Philadelphia, ForrestGump.
He was even nominated for SavingPrivateRyan,Cast away, Big.
*publicly endorsed Barack Obama for his presidential election.
*has very cordial relations with Stephen Speilberg.
Tom Hanks notable Filmography:
*The Davinci code
*Catch Me If You Can
*Road to Perdition
*Cast Away
*The Green Mile
*Saving Private Ryan
*You"ve got the mail
*A league of their own
*Forrest Gump.
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