This movie revolves around three high school kids who acquires mystical powers because of contact with some unknown entity
(may be a meteorite) and the way they cope up with the new found powers.
Why it works? I always used to think why the hell would a teen like peter parker work for greater good. Teens would be teens no matter what. The movie's plot intricate on this point that everyone could n't handle power and their insecurities would be projected at any time which was dealt pretty well in the movie.
tumbles at: Should have dealt with the younger teen's insecurities and confusion that topples him into the predicament.
Great visual effects for a movie made such limited budget.
All in all a great watch for weeking Rating: 3.25 out of 5
Why it works? I always used to think why the hell would a teen like peter parker work for greater good. Teens would be teens no matter what. The movie's plot intricate on this point that everyone could n't handle power and their insecurities would be projected at any time which was dealt pretty well in the movie.
tumbles at: Should have dealt with the younger teen's insecurities and confusion that topples him into the predicament.
Great visual effects for a movie made such limited budget.
All in all a great watch for weeking Rating: 3.25 out of 5
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